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Annah Madzinge

  • International Diploma in Computer Studies

  • Goldman Sachs Top 10,000 Women in Leadership

"Remember to smile!"

— Nelson Mandela

Client services are my work love language! I have built a long career in building and maintaining rapport to ensure that each visit feels inviting and warm. I feel grateful that I have been able to do this in Canada after moving here in 2022 and falling in love with the cultural richness and positivity I encountered within the community. This is why I knew the community MOOV has created felt like an excellent fit!

Prior to coming to Canada, I thrived in my career in office management in Zimbabwe where I was handpicked to help set up and manage a funeral services subsidiary. This role allowed me to hone in on my management skills and ability to be aware of client’s emotional needs.

Outside of work, you’ll find me enjoying walks or playing netball—just throw me the ball and let’s have some fun!

The MOOV Team

A personalized approach every step of the way

Meet The Team